Gaelcholáiste Dhoire

Ceol ón Chaisleán

The COVID restrictions meant that students were unable to engage in concerts and shows as they would in normal times. The Christmas Carol Service was cancelled and the visits to care homes were out of the question this year. The
Ceol ón Chaisleán

Is breá le daltaí an Ghaelcholáiste bheith ag seinm agus ag canadh. Bheadh neart deiseanna acu leis sin a dhéanamh de ghnáth ach ní gnáthbhliain scoile é seo ar chóir ar bith agus b’éigean smaoineamh ar bhealach eile le buanna agus le tallanna na ndaltaí a cheiliúradh.

Chuir tionscnamh “Ceol ón Chaisleán” an deis ar fáil do dhaltaí agus do mhúinteoirí mír a thaifead agus a phostáil ar leathanach Facebook agus ar chainéal YouTube na scoile.

Tá siad le feiceáil go fóill agus is fiú go mór an t-am a ghlacadh lena gcoimhéad. Táimid iontach buíoch de Stevie ó CarnMedia a chuidigh an tionscnamh a chuir i gcríoch agus is féidir go mbeidh tuilleadh míreanna á chraoladh nuair a thagann na daltaí ar ais chun na scoile.

The COVID restrictions meant that students were unable to engage in concerts and shows as they would in normal times. The Christmas Carol Service was cancelled and the visits to care homes were out of the question this year.

These circumstances did not stop Gaelcholáiste musicians from performing, however, and the Ceol ón Chaisleán Project allowed students to move their performances online- and reach a wider audience.

Groups of students and Teachers were recorded performing a song or a tune and those short films were posted on the School Facebook page and the school YouTube channel. They are still available and worth a watch!

Caisleán Dhún Geimhin, Dún Geimhin, Co Dhoire, BT47 4LF.
028 7774 1015
Teagmháil linn
Suíomh / Location
© 2025 Gaelcholáiste Dhoire