Gaelcholáiste Dhoire

Cóiríocht | Accomodation

Tionscnamh na Sainseomraí

Specialist Rooms Project

Bíodh go gcuireann timpeallacht spreagúil Chaisleán Dhún Geimhin leis an léann, aithníodh go luath go mbeadh tuilleadh obair thógála ag teastáil le riachtanais na scoile a bhaint amach de réir mar a mhéadaíonn líon na ndaltaí, agus le cur ar chumas na scoile ábhair praiticiúla a theagasc ar an láthair.

Osclaíodh bloc na sainseomraí i Meán Fómhair 2018 agus chuir daltaí na scoile tús leis an fhoghlaim go fonnmhar ina seomraí ranga nua ardtheicniúla. Cuireadh síniú eile leis an bhloc seo atá suite ó dheas ón Chaisleán. Cuireann sé trí shaotharlann Eolaíochta, Seomra Eacnamaíocht Bhaile, Svuít TFC agus Seomraí Ranga ginearálta mar aon le spáis stórála agus leithris ar fáil.

Cuireadh sé sheomra ranga sealadacha leis an scoil i Meán Fómhair 2020 agus in ionad bheith ag dul go scoileanna eile sa cheantar le hobair phraiticiúil a dhéanamh, is féidir tabhairt faoi gach gné den teagasc agus den fhoghlaim in áiseanna s’againn féin. Siúlann na daltaí go Sólann Dhún Geimhin atá suite cóngarach den chaisleán don Chorpoideachas.

While the inspirational setting of Dungiven Castle lends itself to learning, it was recognised at an early stage that further building works would be required to meet the needs of the school as numbers increase and to allow the teaching of practical subjects on-site. ________

The Specialist Rooms block was completed in September 2018 and students began their learning in the new hi-tech classrooms with gusto. The block which is situated to the south of the castle and following a further extension provides 3 Science Labs, Home Economics suite, ICT suite and general classrooms as well storage and toilets. ______ ________

Six temporary classrooms were added to the school site in September 2020 and where students previously left the castle site to undertake practical work in facilities belonging to other schools- all of the teaching and learning takes place in our own facilities. Students walk to the nearby Dungiven Leisure Centre for PE. ________

Cóiríocht don todhchaí

Accomodation for the future

Cé gur cloch mhíle tábhachtach í oscailt na Sainseomraí i bhforbairt an Ghaelcholáiste agus go gcuireann sé go mór lenár gcumas an curaclam uilig a sholáthar ar shuíomh s’againn féin, is amhlaidh go bhfuil an scoil lán arís agus tá tuilleadh tógála pleanáilte le freastal ar riachtanais na ndaltaí sa scoil is gaiste fás sa tuaisceart.

Tá Bord Gobharnóirí na scoile agus an Príomhoide ag obair go dlúth leis an Roinn agus leis an Údarás Oideachais le clár uaillmhianach cóiríochta a chur i gcrích, rud a fhágfaidh go mbeidh an scoil méadaithe faoi dhó sa bhliain acadúil atá romhainn.

Tá Bloc 12 sheomra ranga maraon le Svuít Teicneolaíochta agus Svuít Ealaíne le tógáil roimh Nollaig 2020 agus tá an Roinn Oideachas chun sean sólann an bhaile a cheannach agus a chóiriú, rud a chuirfidh áiseanna spóirt ar fáil don scoil.

While the Specialist Rooms Block has marked an important milestone in the development of Gaelcholáiste Dhoire and has increased our ability to deliver the full Curriculum on our own site, the school is at capacity again and further building works are planned to meet the needs of the fastest growing school in the north.

The Board of Governors and Principal are working closely with the Department of Education and the Education Authority to implement an ambitious accommodation programme which will see the school more than double in size in the next academic year.

A 12 classroom bloc as well Art and Design and Technology Suites is to be delivered by Christmas 2020 and the Department of Education is to purchase and refurbish the unused Dungiven Pavilion which will provide sports facilities for the school.

Caisleán Dhún Geimhin, Dún Geimhin, Co Dhoire, BT47 4LF.
028 7774 1015
Teagmháil linn
Suíomh / Location
© 2024 Gaelcholáiste Dhoire