Gaelcholáiste Dhoire

Imreoirí an Ghaelcholáiste i mbarr a réime

The Gaelcholáiste Dhoire school community would like to congratulate Ríoghnach and Cara on their selection to the Derry Minor Camogie Team. Both girls have been stalwarts of the Gaelcholáiste team over the last number of years and have won two Ulste
Imreoirí an Ghaelcholáiste i mbarr a réime

Déanann scoilphobal Ghaelcholáiste Dhoire comhghairdeas ó chroí le Ríoghnach agus le Cara as áit a bhaint amach ar fhoireann Camógaíochta Mionúir an Chontae. Is fada an bheirt seo ag imirt ar son na scoile agus bhain siad dhá Chraobh Uladh le foireann Ghleann na Ró le blianta beaga anuas. Guímid gach rath orthu agus iad ag tabhairt faoi chomórtas "A" Uladh i gceann roinnt seachtainí.

The Gaelcholáiste Dhoire school community would like to congratulate Ríoghnach and Cara on their selection to the Derry Minor Camogie Team. Both girls have been stalwarts of the Gaelcholáiste team over the last number of years and have won two Ulster Titles with our Gleann na Ró team. We wish them and their county team mates every success in the Ulster "A" Competition that is due to begin in a few weeks.

Imreoirí an Ghaelcholáiste i mbarr a réimeImreoirí an Ghaelcholáiste i mbarr a réime
Caisleán Dhún Geimhin, Dún Geimhin, Co Dhoire, BT47 4LF.
028 7774 1015
Teagmháil linn
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© 2025 Gaelcholáiste Dhoire