Gaelcholáiste Dhoire

Peil na mbuachaillí

The under 14 boys football team enjoyed a very encouraging day of sport at the Mid-Ulster Sports Arena in Cookstown as they took part in Corn Mhic Neasa at the beginning of October. Their performance on the day means that they
Peil na mbuachaillí

Bhí lá den scoth ag foireann peile faoi 14 na ngasúr ag Ionad Spóirt Lár Uladh ar an Chorr Críochach mar chuid de Chorn Mhic Neasa ag tús mhí Dheireadh Fómhair. Cé go raibh na gasúir níos óige ná na foirne eile, d’éirigh leo an bua a fháil ar dhá fhoireann le linn an chomórtais. Beidh deis ag na daltaí na babhtaí ceathrú-ceannais a bhaint amach sna míonna amach romhainn. Is cinnte go mbeidh todhchaí rathúil ag an fhoireann amach anseo agus tá siad ag dul ó neart go neart faoi láthair. Lean oraibh a ghasúir!

The under 14 boys football team enjoyed a very encouraging day of sport at the Mid-Ulster Sports Arena in Cookstown as they took part in Corn Mhic Neasa at the beginning of October. Their performance on the day means that they will progress to the quarter finals after Christmas - Maith sibh!

Caisleán Dhún Geimhin, Dún Geimhin, Co Dhoire, BT47 4LF.
028 7774 1015
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© 2025 Gaelcholáiste Dhoire