A chuairteoir dhil,
Fáilte mhór romhat chuig suíomh gréasáin ár scoile.
I am delighted to welcome you to our school website.

Suite faoi scáth na Binne Bradaí i suíomh aoibhinn Chaisleán Dhún Geimhin, is ábhar bróid do Ghaelcholáiste Dhoire an t-oideachas fairsing spreagúil atá á fháil ag daltaí an Ghaeloideachais ar fud na hÉireann a chur ar fáil d'aos óg chontaetha Dhoire, Aontroim agus Tír Eoghain.
Tá an Ghaeilge fite fuaite i ndúchas an cheantair seo agus tá níos mó agus níos mó tuismitheoirí sa cheantar ag cur a gcuid páistí chuig scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge. Tá caidreamh den scoth bunaithe againn leis na 9 mBunscoil lán-Ghaeilge inár gceantar, áit a bhfuil ár gcomhghleacaithe oilte sna bunscoileanna ag leagan na dúshraithe don fhoghlaim dhátheangach. Bíonn muid ag obair go dlúth leo leis an leanúnachas san fhoghlaim a dheimhniú agus leis an aistriú go Gaelcholáiste Dhoire a dhéanamh chomh taitneamhach agus is féidir do na daltaí.
'Dóchas sa Dúchas' mana na scoile agus tá an Ghaeilge agus an cultúr i gcroí an Ghaelcholáiste. Creidimid go diongbháilte go gcuireann timpeallacht an lán-tumoideachais an tacaíocht teanga ar fáil do pháistí lena chur ar a gcumas fás aníos ina n-aosaigh óga dhátheangacha líofa i rith na seacht mbliana a bheidh siad linn. Mar a dúirt an file Seamus Heaney,
“If we regard self-enhancement, cultural diversity and a tolerant political atmosphere as desirable attainments we should remember that a knowledge of the Irish language is an essential element in their realisation”.
Cuireann Gaelcholáiste Dhoire an deis ar fáil dár n-aos óg le tuiscint níos doimhne a fháil ar a bhféiniúlacht tríd an Ghaeilge agus leis an fhéinmhuinín a fháil lena mbealach a dhéanamh tríd an tsaol.
Cuireann ár n-éiteas páistelárnach an dalta i gcroílár na scoile, le béim ar an smaointeoireacht chriticiúil, ar fhorbairt scileanna don todhchaí agus ar chur chuige iomlánaíoch i leith na foghlama. Teagascann na ceachtanna staire fíricí agus figiúirí, ach foghlaimíonn na dalta fosta an dóigh le smaoineamh mar a bheadh staraí ann - ag ceistiú, ag anailísiú agus ag déanamh breithiúnas. Tá sé ríthábhachtach, faoin am a bhfágann siad ár gcúram, go mbeadh na cáilíochtaí ag ár ndaltaí atá de dhíth orthu le go n-éireodh go rathúil leo sa tsaol, ach tá d'aidhm againn fosta dúil san fhoghlaim a spreagadh iontu a mhairfidh i rith a saoil agus iad a spreagadh le rannpháirt iomlán a ghlacadh i saol eacnamaíoch, sóisialta agus cultúrtha ár sochaí.
B'fhéidir nach gcuimhníonn páistí ar an eolas uilig a fhoghlaimíonn siad sa tseomra ranga, ach is cinnte go gcuimhníonn siad ar cad é mar a mhothaigh siad agus iad ar scoil. Tá ár ndaltaí luachmhar againne, tá guth acu a n-éistear leis i nGaelcholáiste Dhoire agus tá d'aidhm againn freastal orthu féin agus ar a dteaghlaigh chomh maith agus is féidir linn le linn na seacht mbliana a chaitheann siad linn agus ina dhiaidh sin arís. Tá muid muiníneach as na buntáistí atá le hofráil ag an Ghaeloideachas dá n-oideachas agus dá saol.
Tá súil agam go mbainfidh tú sult as do chuairt ar ár suíomh gréasáin agus go dtabharfaidh na leathanaigh seo léargas duit ar an eispéireas saibhir oideachasúil a chuirtear ar fáil do na daltaí i nGaelcholáiste Dhoire.
In the unique and inspirational setting of Dungiven Castle at the foothill of Benbradagh, Gaelcholáiste Dhoire offers a high standard of education with a breadth and vibrancy which has become the hallmark of the Irish Medium school sector in Ireland today. It is a source of great pride that we provide this educational experience to the young people of Derry, Antrim and Tyrone.
The Irish language is in our DNA and it is ingrained in our heritage and environment and Irish-medium education in the area is thriving with a continued increase and demand at primary level. We highly value the excellent relationships cultivated we have with all nine Irish Medium Primary Schools in the catchment area and appreciate the critical, foundational education provided by our colleagues in the primary sector. It is by working in partnership with our partner schools that we can provide a continuity in learning and a smooth transition to the second level here at Gaelcholáiste Dhoire.
“Dóchas sa dúchas- hope in our heritage” is the school motto and Irish language and culture is at the heart of Gaelcholáiste Dhoire and provides an inspirational an uplifting focus. The full immersion environment of Gaelcholáiste Dhoire provides the linguistic support for our students to develop into confident and fluent bi-lingual young adults. In the words of Derry’s famous poet, Seamus Heaney,
“If we regard self-enhancement, cultural diversity and a tolerant political atmosphere as desirable attainments we should remember that a knowledge of the Irish language is an essential element in their realisation”.
At Gaelcholáiste Dhoire we believe that a good education should by necessity provide our young people with the opportunity to engage meaningfully with their own language and culture. They, in turn, will then bring that understanding and tolerance into our diverse world.
Our child-centred ethos places the student at the centre of everything we do, with an emphasis on critical thinking, developing skills for the future and a holistic approach to learning. History lessons teach facts and figures, but the skills to question, analyse and make judgements are also developed. Our committed aim is to ensure that students graduate from the Gaelcholáiste with the qualifications they require to succeed. We also commit to instilling a love for learning that will benefit our students throughout their lives and encourage them to participate fully in the economic, social and cultural life of our society.
A guiding principle for me is that people may not always remember every subject matter they learned in school, but they will remember how they were treated, and how they were made feel in school. We treat our students with respect and dignity and their voice is listened to in Gaelcholáiste Dhoire. We aim to attend to the specific needs and talents of our students and their families during their time with us. We are confident of the benefits that an Irish Medium Education can bring to their education and their lives.
I hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and that it provides an insight into the rich educational experience provided to the students of Gaelcholáiste Dhoire.