Gaelcholáiste Dhoire

Iontrálacha | Admissions

Is scoil lán-Ghaeilge ilchumais, ilchreidmheach, chomhoideachais í Gaelcholáiste Dhoire. Bítear ag súil leis go gceanglóidh idir dhaltaí agus thuismitheoirí / chaomhnóirí iad féin le sainmheon Gaelach na scoile. Glactar leis go gciallaíonn iarratas ar theacht chun na scoile go dtuigeann agus go n-aontaíonn an t-iarrthóir le heiteos, rialacha agus riaracháin na scoile.

Fágann Bord Gobharnóirí na scoile faoin Phríomhoide agus faoin Choiste Iontrálacha é critéir iontrála le haghaidh daltaí bheith ag teacht chun na scoile a chur i bhfeidhm, ach a chinneadh bheith ceadaithe agus aontaithe agus faofa ag an Bhord Gobharnóirí.


Tabharfaidh Gaelcholáiste Dhoire tús áite do na daltaí sin a roghnaíonn í agus seo thíos critéir iontrála na scoile, más gá iad a chur i bhfeidhm:-

  1. Daltaí a d’fhreastail ar bhunscoil lán-Ghaeilge.
  2. Daltaí ag aois éigeantach scoile a úsáideann an Ghaeilge mar an gnáthmheán cumarsáide le ar a laghad tuismitheoir/caomhnóir amháin. (Dá mba ghá, d’fhéadfadh an Coiste lontrálacha labhairt le daltaí agus/nó le tuismitheoirí/caomhnóirí féideartha le cuidiú leo cinntí a dhéanamh i dtaca le cé acu a chomhlíonann siad an critéar seo nó nach gcomhlíonann).
  3. Daltaí a bhfuil deartháir nó deirfiúr acu ar an scoil.
  4. Daltaí arb iad an páiste is sine sa teaghlach iad.
  5. Daltaí a n-oibríonn a dtuismitheoir nó a gcaomhnóir nó gaol gairid leo sa scoil.
  6. Daltaí nach dtiteann faoi chritéir 1-5, cuirfear in ord iad de réir a rogha scoile, Gaelcholáiste Dhoire mar chéad rogha, ansin dara rogha, tríú rogha srl.
  7. Daltaí nach dtiteann faoi chritéir 1-6, roghnófar de réir aoise iad, an dalta is sine ar dtús.

Gaelcholáiste Dhoire is an Irish-medium, all-ability, co-educational, multi-denominational school. Pupils and Parents/Guardians are expected to show a commitment to the special ethos of the school. An application to attend Gaelcholáiste Dhoire is taken to indicate that there is an acceptance of the ethos of the school and of all the school rules and regulations.

The Board of Governors delegates to the Principal and the Admissions Committee the responsibility of applying the admissions criteria for entry of pupils to the school, such decisions to be approved by the Board of Governors.


Gaelcholáiste Dhoire will give priority, where necessary, to those pupils who made the school their choice by applying the following criteria:-

  1. Pupils who have attended an Irish-medium primary school.
  2. Children of compulsory school age who use Irish as the common communicative medium with at least one parent/guardian. (If necessary, the Admissions Committee may speak to potential pupils and/or parents/guardians to assist them in making decisions as to whether or not they fulfil this criterion).
  3. Pupils who have a sister or brother at the school.
  4. Pupils who are the eldest child in the family.
  5. Pupils who have a parent or guardian or close relative working in the school.
  6. Pupils who do not fall within criteria 1-5 will be ranked in order of their preference, Gaelcholáiste Dhoire as first preference, then second preference, third preference etc.
  7. Pupils who do not fall within criteria 1-6 will be chosen on the basis of age with the eldest being selected first.

Feabh 20
Cruinnithe Tuismitheoirí Bhliain 10 || Year 10 Parent Teacher Meetings
Caisleán Dhún Geimhin, Dún Geimhin, Co Dhoire, BT47 4LF.
028 7774 1015
Teagmháil linn
Suíomh / Location
© 2025 Gaelcholáiste Dhoire